Fijne feestdagen voor allemaal

Fijne feestdagen voor allemaal

Fijne feestdagen voor allemaal

Fijne feestdagen voor allemaal

Geplaatst op 19-12-2024 door Marina
After many questions I would like to give you a summary of the dangers of the holidays.

With quick action and the right knowledge you can limit or prevent the risk of serious damage and help your bird recover well

In general
Know an avian vet and always inform him/her, depending on the severity already during and otherwise after the holidays
Make sure the telephone number is easy to find
Emergency kit for your bird with sterile gauze, flour or cornstarch, tweezers, heat lamp
Observe your bird after an incident, they are masters in hiding illness... also the days after, pay attention to subtle changes in appetite, behavior and/or activity

Keep an eye on your parrot and provide sufficient distraction so that the urge to investigate is reduced.
But of course they are very curious so perhaps the following tips will help
Keep the poinsettia that is so favorite out of reach of your bird... it is really poisonous!

Glitter balls and other decorations are either sharp or often treated with poison
Parrots can try to grab or break these, not consciously but just while investigating
The lights are on a cord... electricity and birds don't go together! So keep them out of reach of your bird

Poisonous food:
Avocado, chocolate, salt, alcohol, caffeine, fatty snacks... keep your parrot away from the table or cover dangerous food!
Offer safe snacks such as fruit, nuts or pieces of vegetables
Use LED candles, in any case avoid open fire when birds are not in their cage

Poisonous fumes:
Teflon but also aerosol cans contain dangerous fumes!
So ventilate well and put your bird in another room when spraying or curing is taking place

Stress triggers:
Sound but also the flashing Christmas lights can cause stress
Provide a quiet, safe place where your bird can retreat
Stay alert for signs of stress such as aggressive behavior or plucking
Swallowing small parts:
Jewelry, packaging material etc. can be accidentally swallowed,
so check regularly for small parts.

But what do you do if something goes wrong?

In case of poisonous food
If something goes wrong, it is important to act purposefully
Stay calm
Try to determine how much your bird has ingested
Call a bird vet and give as many details as possible
Keep your bird warm, then he does not need energy for that

In case of injuries caused by candles or decorations
Stop the bleeding, Put flour or cornstarch on a sterile gauze and dab the wound with it (for small wounds)
Consult the bird vet, even small wounds can become infected
In case of burns, always consult a vet!!

In case of choking or swallowing small parts
Stay calm! Choking will cause panic in your bird, but quick action is required
Check the beak, Try to look carefully into the beak to determine the cause and remove it if necessary
careful, do not force anything, this can make it worse

Smoke and gas poisoning
Move your bird to fresh air immediately
Open your windows and take your bird to a well-ventilated area but be careful... do not put it in a draught!
Check for signs of poisoning such as breathing problems, weakness or unusual behaviour
Consult your bird vet immediately!, quick treatment is crucial

Stress or fright reactions:
Put your bird in a quiet area to recover
Keep a close eye on its behaviour
Offer comfort, I mean... talk softly and reassuringly, or offer a favourite snack but do not force this if he or she is not ready for it yet


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