Apricot pieces 100 gr
Apricot pieces Provided that it is kept cool and dry for 1 year on consumer quality are dried in.....
Apricot pieces 500 gr
Apricot pieces Provided that it is kept cool and dry for 1 year on consumer quality are dried in.....
Apple pieces 100 gr
apple pieces are a real fruit variety on the northern side of the equator and are a real natural .....
Apple pieces 250 gr
apple pieces are a real fruit variety on the northern side of the equator and are a real natural .....
Banana chips Honey dipped 250 gr
Banana chips Honey dipped A well-known piece of fruit that can be found in every rain forest. In.....
Banana chips Honey dipped 500 gr
Banana chips Honey dipped A well-known piece of fruit that can be found in every rain forest. In.....
Banana chips Honey dipped 75 gr
Banana chips Honey dipped A well-known piece of fruit that can be found in every rain forest. In.....
Cranberry 1 kg
The cranberry we offer has been dried in a natural way so that it contains a lot of vitamin C and .....
Cranberry 500 gr
The cranberry we offer has been dried in a natural way so that it contains a lot of vitamin C and .....
Cranberry100 gr
The cranberry we offer has been dried in a natural way so that it contains a lot of vitamin C and .....
Kiwi 100 gr
Delicious kiwi slices.. The Vitamin C bombs and super tasty for bird and friend Now also available.....
Kiwi 200 gr
Kiwi Healthy is delicious ... This fruit is vitamin C rich and has an antioxidant function in the .....
Mango 100 gr
Mango A real jungle-fruit that we mainly find in Asia, therefore a real exotic reward that is also .....
Mango 250 gr
Mango A real jungle fruit that we mainly find in Asia, therefore a real exotic reward that is also .....
Mango 500 gr
Mango A real jungle-fruit that we mainly find in Asia, therefore a real exotic reward that is also .....
Papaya 100 gr
Papaya a jungle fruit that amazons and Pyrrhuras love. Not strange, because they find this very o.....
Pineapple pieces 500 gr
Pineapple pieces are a delicious piece of jungle fruit and is also eaten in the wild by most parrot.....
Sultana raisins 150 gr
THEY LOVE IT! These unsulphurised sultana raisins are delicious fruit candies and a treat that ca.....
Sultana raisins 500 gr
THEY LOVE IT! These unsulphurised sultana raisins are delicious fruit candies and a treat that ca.....