Beetroot is full of antioxidants and is good for digestion. As if that wasn't enough, it is a .....

Broccoli The closed flower buds of this plant are a popular piece of parrot vegetable. Especially .....

dried chili
This dried red chili is a popular and essential super snack for hookbills! The abundant presence of.....

Dried sweet bell pepper
Dried red bell pepper that is eaten by almost every parrot species and is a source of vitamin A th.....

Kidney beans 50 gr
Gevriesdroogde kidneybonen die veilig gegeven kunnen worden doordat het blauwzuur eruit is Hoeven n.....

pumpkin fruit
DRIED PUMPKIN MEAT is another unique product from us for parrots. The very high protein content is.....

sweet carrot
Sweet carrot is a delicious vegetable for smaller species to keep busy and also serves as a therapy.....